A Heartbreaking Provocation if you love the Constitution and hate indoctrination

Remember that hopeful moment just over one month ago, where the slippery lawless were about to be caught in a corner and exposed and put on trial?  The memos and the emails revealing the true extent of the collusion between all agencies of the deep state and the Soros democrats.  Lynch, Comey, Mueller, Hillary, Obama, Pelosi, Shumer, Feinstein, and the multiple rogue actors at various agencies.  The forces which had been ducking justice, hiding injustice, and churning the waters for their New World Order goals truly seemed to be in a corner. Not only had Trump kept his promises to the American people once in office, it seemed we might be about to witness the swamp truly drained, with these anti-America globalists writhing in the mud with their own haughty emails and memos out in the open, used in courts of law to bring them to justice…

Yet, as is their way, at the last minute, the slippery eels (sorry eels) managed a last minute deflection with a sudden and sharp change of focus to the Parkland shooting and gun control.  Ur, uh, I mean, to the “completely grass roots authentically started by the students themselves” focus on the Parkland shooting and gun control.

Like nearly all deep state/globalist events they manipulate or create,  this event was laser guided to accomplish multiple goals. It also like nearly all their manipulations of events, involved sympathetic puppets manipulated as part of the event to make it bend to NWO goals.  It also energized the deflated democrat party with its (Marxist educated social justice identity politics voted for a socialist) youth base just in time for the midterm elections. More alarmingly,  the way that the event moved from a shooting to a number of national walkouts and marches involving thousands, showed it was also a test of the mob mobilization the new world order is so interested in.  With the tech companies all on board with the globalists, we’ve heard about the study of tweets and other social media trends to follow information as it fans out from certain nodes.  And this was a test of how information could stimulate youth across the nation to unquestioningly focus on a certain angle of an event, forget the Constitution, forget the other side of the story and any critical thinking, could be drawn to go march on the nation’s capital to demand that a CONSTITUTIONALLY GUARANTEED RIGHT BE TAKEN AWAY!! It was a test to see what phrases the students would parrot, how many could be driven to do this, at a moments notice, and then, how long could they be driven to keep it up for – (six weeks and counting) without becoming burned out or actually questioning beyond the narrative provided?

To test the parrot puppet students again, the narrative changed again, to a revolution, and also, about race, it seems, just to see what sort of cognitive dissonance they could draw the puppet parrots to have and yet keep parroting the agenda.  It also is to test if the puppet parrots are on board enough with the globalists hide the globalists involvement and not reveal the extent that it was pushed by adult run organizations? And that the media wanted to talk only to those who matched a certain agenda?  No, so far they are keeping up the lies.  So far so good for the globalists I guess. armies of indoctrinated youth who would, on a dime, march chanting anything – up to and including a right protected by the US Constitution. Because 17 people died in a school shooting, everyone should have to give up their guns and politicians should make laws requiring that or get voted out.  And its very frightening when you realize 150 democrats in Congress already put forward a bill banning ALL semi automatic weapons.

It’s like qui buono? And that’s why it’s manipulated event – because it gave the globalists exactly what they need for their next step, an energetic uninformed youth based registering to vote and all fire up to vote “for the politician who supports gun control” and against “any politician the NRA rates highly” As the only deciding factor!  With the blll to ban all semiautomatics already with 150 democrats backing the bill – you can see the tragedy we can be walking into at the midterm election.  How handy for the globalists that this event happened and the students just happened to be high school age, old enough it would seem positive if they took an activist position on something, and what better thing than disarmament which is the only thing keeping america from globalist control. Used by globalists in Canada too, evil Justin Trudeau is coming down on gun owners in Canada – over what happened in Florida?   What was it that the democrats grasped onto and haven’t let go of 6 weeks later? the Parkland shooting, which then segued into a general call for gun control; an absolutely brilliant way to separate left from right and again demonize the right as uncaring and the left as the ones who care.

A Heartbreaking Provocation if you love the Constitution and hate indoctrination

The indoctrinated minions were mobilized and proved to the Soros democrats that they were indeed a regular little army of puppets who could be gathered for optics or soundbites at the drop of a hat.  These kids, who had been encouraged in the divisive anti-Trump demonstrating, and black lives matter demonstrating, now were fired up and just looking for a “cause”, especially the white kids who have been made to feel excluded from activism and now get the chance to “take the lead”.  After all, in their colleges and universities where they are educated to become “global citizen activists” a la Saul Alinsky, the highest action one can take is direct action agitating for a cause.  These teachers and schools jumped to attention and jumped on this supposedly student led movement without asking any questions about the assumptions underlying it.  The slidey trickery of the multiple adult gun control/social control groups “offering organizational and logistical assistance” and money while insisting that the whole thing is student led gives a clear view of the future if the progressives should gain total control.  And this for them is a way of letting all of us they hate see how they have indoctrinated the youth.  What seemed pathetically unbalanced when the issue was Trump versus Hillary is now not even them picking the wrong side, but them not even seeing that there is another possible side.  Not the criminological side, not any anecdotes from gun owners or survivors f rapes who used guns in self defense,and not the Constitutional side either.

And I’m sure that’s why the progressives picked this issue also – because they have been attempting to disarm Americans by chipping away at the protection offered by the second amendment, one common sense gun bill at a time.  It has been relentless. It is an exterior directed goal, with all progressive run states working for the same thing.  And as California has proven, any little chip into the protection, such as by vilifying and banning a certain gun, will just be the wedge to an ever expanding network of laws which choke out lawful ownership after only a few years.  Because the left won’t control crime, and they want to disarm us so badly, we can only assume they want us dead.  That they managed to get our own remaining white children (who were just months ago being told how racist they are) to be permitted inclusion in asocial movement, in fact, be permitted leadership positions and media exposure and political power in a movement, so long as they will parrot the lines   (no, update after the Saturday March to take away our rights, I mean, March for our lives, the white student spokespeople have switched to larger social justice orthodoxy framing of the movement – the Parkland shooting was only focused on because it was in an affluent community, and people in poorer neighborhoods, no matter how well they spoke, the news just wouldn’t focus on them.

No, the reason they have given you front and center coverage for 6 weeks is because the globalists were backed into a corner and were worried that someone might actually use the US Justice system against them.  Which they could and should.  At this point, the passivity of the Justice Department under Trump is absurd.  I understand that the special investigator is leaning on the President that was why lawless acts were done to form the basis for getting the wiretap and the special investigator.  But the special investigation is the fruit of the poisonous tree if there ever was one, so I can’t understand why we are coming up on the midterm elections and Mr. Sessions has not gotten fierce.  Take a page out of Obama’s book and really go after at least some states for violating civil rights – not voting rights like Obama – but the second amendment.  The AG can sue states whose laws infringe on ANY civil rights.  So he could do that.  He could do something against states openly keeping illegal aliens criminals hidden.  They are like naughty children, and until someone is indicted and goes to prison, they will keep up their game.  They don’t mind being disapproved of, “admonished” by judges.  For them, it’s the pleasure of remaining above the law, no matter what, that brings such joy.

For them, being above the law is just the first taste of the type of power each and every one of these rogue agents has been promised and believes they will have once the American system of Constitutional government in a republic for the people by the people is destroyed and the progressive vision for the world is unveiled.  In that world, they picture, all will be theirs – as the glorious bringers of the revolution, they will ensconce themselves, burn the Constitution, and “be in power longer than anyone can imagine” (actual quote from Hillary Clinton) And that ties right into their open and obvious deflection to none other than a school shooting with advocate age students, the perfect foil for their next move.

But for those of us who grew up when the right to free speech was commonly referred to by students. The media part of the same Soros nwo system has perfectly played its part by keeping these youth automatons actions and “demands” in the center of the news cycle for over 6 weeks – absolutely unheard of prior to this.  And done without a hint of balanced actual exploration of the issue – save for the pundits who work around the need to state facts by having people one who tell their opinions about guns without any backup data, but its permitted because it counts as opinion and it’s live, and the media can’t help what people say “live”.  It just happens to be exactly the message the progressive’s want – the same as it just happened to be the message they wanted when they held the town hall after Parkland.  These opinion presented as facts without any sourcing necessary, repeated ad nauseum, allows the message to completely permeate every part of media.

Thus, the untrue (more guns equal more crime), (assault weapons are automatic military weapons way more powerful than anything else) (guns only kill innocent people and never save lives) (the politicians only don’t pass gun control because they get money from the NRA)(the NRA and the gun manufacturers just want to make money) and (gun violence will stop with more laws) go unchallenged.




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