Violence a low violence society preferable to a no violence society



the bill burr segment re no reason to hit a woman

the craziness of the domestic violence laws

won’t drop cases ever

women end up regrettiung they involved the system

the actual abusers aren’t deterred by restraining orders anyway. what stops them? guns ie actual violence.

men are abused too but the system pretends is always men on women

situation specific violence versus coercive control

that woman who said she was going to kill that person whose peer reviewed research showed both men and women were violent and killed (the irony!)

that section from that ardey book about some benefits of violence

non violence

not obtainable

because we evolved to use violence as the final arbiter
it may not be fair that the one who wins the fight physically wins overall in war, but at least it is not contestable the way any other system would be

human nature has that therefore the only way to a non violent society would be massively manipulating, coercing, or changing humans genetically to get rid of any and all violence. this would alter what we care about what makes us human – freedom and freedom of choice

especially to do at the same time as they are getting rid of the penal system and such – then it will turn to manipulating the brain through nano interventions, drugs, vaccines, to alter the brain. like that study in England showing this type of chemical? electrical? Intervention was being used to make people less upset by others on the road resulting in less road rage.

but isn’;t being an irritable person part of who that person was/is? is it fair to change them that way, just to make some utopian future? what if it turns out that the irritability also was linked to another good trait, and now both are extinguished.


and if not all countries do this, then won’t the onmes that become non violent just get taken over by the ones who are still violent?

think the russians versus europe when the muslim immigrants tried to rape the women

andthink of sweden’s no spanking policy which led to way more actual beatings

low violence is po9ssible, and sometnhing to work towards

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